Site Fix - - Gunslinger Zach - tags: Update · Notes
So I did some work to try and make my site look better. The footer now looks a little better but also look at my posts page. It looks really good. I plan on writting an general update to explain how everything is going for me so stay tuned for that.
No Twitter - - Gunslinger Zach - tags: Update · Notes
As of now there is no way for me to access my twitter acount. It is still up, however, I cannot access it. Rip
New Notes - - Gunslinger Zach - tags: Notes · Update
I have decided to start doing “notes”. This is inspired by Richard Stallman’s political notes. You can see them on his website. The idea is essentually the same as all microblogging social media’s except there is no clear line between a full on essay and a note. This means...
Read moreI am leaving vultr - - Gunslinger Zach - tags: Update · Notes
Louis Rossman notified me that vultr has engaged in rapey buisness practices in his new video. Since VPS’ are easily replacable, I then immediatly closed my vultr account and signed up with linode. Turns out that linode offers a better price than vultr does. So congradulations vultr, you have...
I Am Going to Nuke the Microblog - - Gunslinger Zach - tags: Update · Notes
So the plan of having the microblog section didn’t work out as I didn’t actually use it. So instead I am going to just use social media instead.The idea will be to have my posts on the fediverse and then put them on my website somehow. I will think of how I am going to do this and then...