
Right Authoritarianism and High Time Preferance - - Gunslinger Zach - tags: Notes · Politics

I’m starting to notice a tendency towards high time preference thinking in right-wing authoritarians. When they argue for authoritarianism, they will use an example of a bad (real or hypothetical) and then bring up an authoritarian state as the solution. They give no thought to the long term...

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I Dreamed About a Hedonist Dystopia - - Gunslinger Zach - tags: Technology · Politics · Notes

I had two dreams last night conserning a hedonistic future that we are headed. The first one was more generically cyberpunk wpoliticshere technology is everywhere and in everything, where only very small places are car free (hence safe to walk around in) and everyone lived hedonistically. If anyone...

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The Totalising Nature of Leftist Politics - - Gunslinger Zach - tags: Politics · Notes

published on january 24 2023. tag(s) politics

I had the (mis?)fourtine of seeing this following story play out live on twitter. (1)

To any sane person, this art is just an example of a “cutepost”, that is something cute to be looked at and then you do something else with your time. To...

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